Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Taxol #1

One Taxol down, eleven to go. I woke up incredibly surprised today. Usually the day after chemo is coupled by nausea, inability to smell or taste food, and a longing desire to go back to bed for 4 more hours. I have a strong feeling this "round" of chemo will be much different.

Taxol did make me drowsy during the infusion due to the Benadryl pre-medications, I slept for an hour in my chemo chair, but after that I really was not all too tired. I have body aches, but it seriously just feels like I worked out too hard yesterday. As an athlete I know all muscle soreness is cured by some more low-impact exercise & maybe two Aleve. I am actually hungry, which never happened during the EC. My nail beds hurt, but that started during the last round of EC.

Taxol...I think you are going to be the easiest trip here for me. I am not to scared to go back to work now, because I think I can function at least 3x week at optimal function. The next 11 weeks might be an easier road for me. I also feel like I can actually increase my running intervals from 5:2 to 6:2. This is good, real good.

The next hard part will be the exchange surgery on May 31 followed by my Radiation preparation (tattooing & molds) on June 9th. I have a strong feeling radiation will fly by as fast as Taxol will & all of this will be over with come July 27...exactly one year from the moment the lump appeared and one week before my 27th birthday. Please let age 27 be much better than the roller coasters that 25 & 26 were.

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