Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bad Days

Supposedly my first infusion of EC is supposed to be the "worst", I am chalking that up to the majority. This last infusion was by far the hardest so far. It knocked me out all last night, had horrific nausea, and still has me crawling to my bed today. I plan on calling my doctor about this. Anything besides oatmeal, toast, gatorade, and saltines have cause me to get light-headed and dizzy, which has resulted in the ever common migraine and puking. So far the Compazine and Aleve are kind of doing their jobs, but I do not think its going to be much help if I get the spins again.

The Rosacea rash from the last infusion is coming back, which is a pain in the butt. I think it is from the IV Steroids. I have to go see my Primary Care doctor to get medication for this and for my ever cranky mood, as my oncologist wants to limit treatment providers and kinda mainstream everything through him, my primary doctor, plastic surgeon, and gynocologist. This will save me stress and less copay, which I am ever grateful for.

I planned to go back to work February 21, which sounds probable, but if this week is bad until Friday my doctor might want me to wait until March 2, after I start Taxol. Sometimes, or so I hear, the side-effects from EC are cumulative for the minority and just get damn worse.

In the meantime, I am going to lay down, watch Netflix and hope I have some energy later to go on a slow walk.

I think taunting the side-effects last week caused them to take revenge on me this time around.

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